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Orlando Sex Crimes Lawyer in Orlando, FL

Sexual Predator Law

Sexual Predator Laws in Florida 

If you have been convicted of a sexual crime in Orlando, Florida, you will likely face prison time and fines. However, those consequences are just the beginning of your punishment. Suppose you are convicted of any sexually related crime, you will likely be required to register as a sex offender or sexual predator, affecting you for decades or even for life. 

If you are the suspect in the investigation for a sex crime or have been charged with one, it is vital you retain legal counsel to help you understand every aspect of your case and your best options moving forward. The attorneys at Hanlon Law have valuable experience defending those accused of sex crimes in Orlando, Florida. We offer the best advice and mount the most aggressive defenses for our clients facing a wide range of sex crime charges. We use all the resources at our disposal to investigate your case and pressure the district attonrney to drop or reduce the charges against you. 

Florida’s Sexual Predator Act

Florida Statutes Chapter 775 establishes The Florida Sexual Predators Act. This act qualifies certain types of offenses as sexual predator crimes. A sexual predator is a repeat offender who poses a direct threat to families with children, using violence and physical force to commit their crimes. 

Being considered a sexual predator will significantly affect your life. It affects where you live, where you can work, your education, and causes fallouts in your personal life. 

Offense Falling Under Sexual Predator Crimes 

While it is typically perceived that a sexual predator preys on children, this is not required when determining whether an individual is a sexual predator or not. In order to be labeled as a sexual predator, you must be a repeated sexual offender, have committed a violent sexual crime, or have committed any sexual crime that involves a child. 

Offenses following in this category include:


  • The rape of a minor
  • Sexual acts by a child
  • Unlawful sexual activity with a child 
  • Child pornography
  • Distributing child pornography 
  • Child prostitution
  • Public exposure in the presence of a minor 
  • Lewd or lascivious acts performed on a child, disabled adult, or an elderly person 

In Orlando, Florida, there are various penalties a sexual predator will face. In most cases, there is a minimum prison sentence of 15 years. Immediately after conviction, all sexual predators must register as sexual predators with the state or local Sheriff and the Florida Department of Safety and Motor Vehicles. You then must re-register on your birthday each year and every subsequent three months for the entirety of your life. You also must report any changes to your physical appearance or address immediately. 

When registering as a sexual predator, you are required to give the following information: 

  • Birth date 
  • Photograph and a full description 
  • Current and temporary addresses
  • Fingerprints 
  • Social security number 

Difference Between Sex Offender and Sexual Predator in Florida

The public often perceives that a sex offender and a sexual predator are the same. These labels share many similarities; however, there are some important distinctions to be aware of. The distinction comes from the potential risk a sexual predator poses to society. For a criminal to be considered a sexual predator, they must be a repeated sexual offender or have a certain degree of severity in the crime they committed. The degree of seriousness of a crime is not as severe to be considered a sex offender, and you do not need to be a repeated offender. After 25 years, some sex offenders are eligible to remove their names from the registry. This option does not exist for sexual predators since they must register for their lifetime. 

Defending Your Future with Hanlon Law

Being labeled as a sexual predator is a heavy penalty to be facing. The best way to protect your future is to seek professional representation. The lawyers at Hanlon Law will mount a vigorous defense in your favor and strive for the best possible outcome. We have the skills and experience to combat the charges against you. If you live in Orlando, Florida, and face sexual crime charges, secure your freedom with Hanlon Law. 

Contact the attorneys at Hanlon Law online or call to schedule a consultation to discuss your case today. 

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