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Orlando Sex Crimes Lawyer in Orlando, FL

Sex Trafficking of Children in Orlando, FL

Sex Trafficking of Children

Sex Trafficking of Children in Florida 

Sex trafficking of a child is a grave allegation. Both state and federal laws prohibit human trafficking. A conviction for sex trafficking of a child can possibly result in life in prison. Those charged with child sex trafficking require the service of a skilled criminal defense attorney to mount a strong defense. 

In order to dismiss the child sex trafficking charges against you or minimize the penalties that may result from a conviction, you must retain reliable legal representation. The attorneys at Hanlon Law have valuable experience defending child sex trafficking charges in Orlando, Florida. We use all the resources at our disposal to mount the most solid possible defense. 

Definition of Sex Trafficking 

The U.S. Department of Justice defines Human Trafficking as “a crime involving the exploitation of a person for labor, services, or commercial sex.” It involves solicitation, transportation, and harboring to exploit someone. Florida does not separately define sex trafficking but includes it in the larger category of human trafficking. In general, child sex trafficking refers to the kidnapping, coercing, transporting, or recruiting of a minor for sexual acts such as: 

  • Prostitution 
  • Sexual slavery
  • Sexual entertainment 
  • Pornography
  • Sale to someone else for sexual activities 
  • Commercial sexual activity
  • Sexual labor 

Coercion under child sex trafficking includes: 

  • Luring or enticing by deceit or fraud
  • Using or threatening to use physical force 
  • Subduing a child with a controlled substance for sexual exploitation 
  • Threatening to harm the child’s loved ones
  • Isolating, restraining, or threatening to isolate or retrain a child against their will

Anyone involved in child sex trafficking could face serious consequences, including: 

  • Solicitors and recruiters
  • Those who make travel arrangements 
  • child pornography producers and distributors 
  • parties who market the sexual services 
  • Child pornography producers and distributors 
  • Those guilty of aiding and abetting participants 

Consequences for a Child Sex Trafficking Conviction

Human trafficking is a first-degree felony punishable by a maximum of 30 years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000. However, the human trafficking of minor could increase the sentence to a life felony or up to 40 years in prison and a maximum of $15,000 in fines. 

If convicted of human trafficking, you will also have to register as a sex offender. Under Florida law, you must register within 48 hours of being released from prison on the
Florida Department of Law Enforcement sexual offenders website. When registering as a sex offender, you will need to provide your full name, gender, current photo, social security number, fingerprints, address, phone number, date of birth, and other relevant information. If any of your registration information changes, you must notify your local sheriff’s office within 48 hours. Being a registered sex offender will affect where you can live, work, and how you spend your time. 

Upon being released from prison, you must also apply for a new driver’s license from the Department of Motor Vehicles that identifies you as a registered sex offender. Depending on the circumstances of the crime you were convicted of, you may also have to complete a sex offender treatment program. 

Legal Defenses for Child Sex Trafficking 

Being accused of child sex trafficking requires a solid legal defense in order to avoid conviction. You will need an experienced team to formulate the best defense for your case’s circumstances. Here is a list of common legal defenses for child sex trafficking charges: 

  • Lack of evidence: In order to get a conviction, the prosecution must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you are guilty of the accused crime. Inadequate evidence will leave doubt in the jury’s mind, preventing a conviction. 
  • False allegation: The alleged victim could have brought the charges in order to get revenge or gain sympathy from others. Your lawyer should investigate to see if there are any ulterior motives the victim might have in bringing these charges. There may also be situations in which the victim has mistaken the identity of the perpetator and accused the wrong person. 
  • Alibi: Getting your case dismissed can be done by proving you were nowhere near the location of the offense at the time it was committed.
  • Illegal police practices: The Constitution guarantees certain freedoms from law enforcement; this includes unlawful search and seizure practices. Any information obtained illegally during an investigation can not be used in a trial. 

Defending Child Sex Trafficking Charges with Hanlon Law 

Being investigated or arrested for child sex trafficking can be very daunting. If you have been charged for this in Orlando, Florida, contact the experienced lawyers at Hanlon Law to protect your future. We give our clients a fair chance to fight for their rights and future. Our legal team will review your situation and investigate in order to weaken the prosecution’s case. We will try our best to have the charges dismissed, reach a plea agreement, or lessen the charges. We have insight into the Orlando courts and prosecutors and do our best to go against them.

Contact Hanlon Law to schedule a consultation to discuss your charges and hire an Orlando-based child sex trafficking attorney today.

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